The Company warrants that the Product shall conform in all respects with its Product Description for the period of 12 month from the physical transfer to the Consumer, or for the term in excess of 12 months complying with relevant applicable national rules of the Consumer’s domicile, but no longer than 24 months (hereinafter referred to as: “commercial guarantee”).
Company grants 12 months of supplementary guarantee in excess of the term of the mandatory commercial guarantee (in principle 12 months). During the period of the supplementary guarantee the guarantee period of the equipment (and its accessories) shall neither restart, nor be lengthened by the term of the repairment, regardless of the manner of the repairment. Provided that the relevant applicable national rules of the Consumer’s domicile indicate mandatory commercial guarantee exceeding 12 months, then the term of supplementary guarantee shall be accordingly reduced with the amount of time of the mandatory commercial guarantee exceeding 12 months.
The guarantee period (considering both the mandatory commercial guarantee and the supplementary guarantee) of the accessories and components of the equipment shall be as follows. The guarantee is restricted to 1000 hours of usage per one year with regards to the wearing parts, in particular bearings, hotend, nozzle, belt and extruder gear. The usage extending 1000 hours per 12 months shall be considered as non-proper usage, therefore these cases shall not be covered by the guarantee duty of the Company.
Guarantee period shall start on the day of the physical transfer of the Product to the Consumer, or on the day of instalment, if contractor or its agent shall be obliged to install the equipment.
The Consumer shall have the option to enforce his or her warranty rights against the Company or the Point of Purchase.
The guarantee shall not affect the warranty rights of the Consumer.