Flow upgraded (MK2) extruder install guide!

Here is the video for the installation steps Specification and information: The new upgraded Flow Filament Extruder just for 159 USD/EUR is coming to elevate your 3D printing to a next level! Using innovative technology, our engineers worked hard to bring you a filament extruder to keep up with your 3D printing desires. With this […]

Set machine mechanical properties

M5001 XY Z E  XY: diameter of the pulleyZ: pitchE: diameter of the cog wheel example: (these are the default factory settings) M5001 X9.01 (in mm) M5001 E10.8 (in mm) M5001 Z2.0 (in mm) can be combined: M5001 X9.01 E10.8 Z2.0 CBP M5001 answer: ok XY_diameter:9.010000 , Z_pich:2.000000 , E_diameter:10.800000 X-Y