Craftbot Plus (Pro) User Manuals
You can download the .pdf user manual of our Craftbot Plus (Pro) 3D printer from here.
You can download the .pdf user manual of our Craftbot Plus (Pro) 3D printer from here.
Our legacy – non Flow Generation – printers are capable to report their working hours and filament consumption. See Craftbot Plus user manual: section 6.4 Report Function This accumulated data can be viewed under website. Login to the with you registered account and add your Legacy Craftbot printer with the serial number. You […]
With the allmetal hotend you can override the default 260C°temperature limit to 300C° You have to add these lines to the startup GCODE M4003 S300; set limit 300C M104 S300 ; start heating extruder to 300C You can set the temperature 260-300C according to your needs !!!!CAUTION IF YOU SET THE OLD CUHEAD TO 300C° IT WILL DAMAGE THE […]
M5001 XY Z E XY: diameter of the pulleyZ: pitchE: diameter of the cog wheel example: (these are the default factory settings) M5001 X9.01 (in mm) M5001 E10.8 (in mm) M5001 Z2.0 (in mm) can be combined: M5001 X9.01 E10.8 Z2.0 CBP M5001 answer: ok XY_diameter:9.010000 , Z_pich:2.000000 , E_diameter:10.800000 X-Y
The new SIMPLIFY3D V5 generates GCODE not compatible with Craftbot Pr3Dator firmware. The slicer generated GCODE create M106 (fan controll) command with “P” parameter, not compatible.The solution is to create a post processor script in the SimpliFy3D, change. {DELETE “P0”} in the “Post Processing” tab.