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CraftwareLast post
Announcements and ReleasesHere we will announce important events for Craftware Pro14 Topics · 42 PostsLast post: New version released: 1.2.1 · 6 months ago · Thomas Zakrzewski
User's GalleryShare your creations0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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Tips and TricksAnything realed tweaks in settings, useful tool usage combos, etc.13 Topics · 31 PostsLast post: What skills do we need when using … · 3 weeks ago · jimmy derik
Feature RequestsDo you miss something in the software? Let's discuss it here!19 Topics · 46 PostsLast post: Angled and non planar slicing · 5 months ago · Craftware Team
Support for Printers & FilamentsPrinter and filament profile exchange, tips and requests3 Topics · 6 PostsLast post: Is it better to use bulk 3d printe … · 4 weeks ago · jimmy derik
TroubleshootingTroubleshoot your problems with the help of the community!102 Topics · 294 PostsLast post: Program error · 1 month ago · Wim Smits
CraftbotLast post
Announcements and Releases0 Topics · 0 PostsNo topics yet!
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General DiscussionsTalk about non-specific things. Remember, this is a community forum, for an official response please <a href="" target="_blank">submit a ticket here</a>.48 Topics · 99 PostsLast post: Understanding ABS Filament: A Comp … · 20 hours ago · freda wang
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