What are the technical properties of the filament materials?

There is a whole plethora of different filaments out there.  Basically, to use a filament material on the CraftBot it must have two general parameters: be 1.75 mm in size and be able to melt under 260 Degrees Celsius.  Some of the most common materials used are as follows,


PLA (Best for beginners):

High, but not extreme melting point of: 215°C

Average bed temperature needed for adhesion: 60°C

Has a minimal shrinkage when cooling off, making it ideal for beginners / prototypes.


ABS (Intermediate):

Very High melting point needed for this material: 255-260°C

High bed temperature is required for proper adhesion: 90-110°C


HIPS (Intermediate):

Mostly the same characteristics as the ABS, however its appears to be a lot more tougher in structure  than ABS & PLA combined!

Very High melting point needed for this material: 260°C

High bed temperature is required for proper adhesion: 110°C



Different manufacturers can have filaments that do not share the same characteristics, thus the values given above might not apply to our filaments.