Manual Z leveling FLOW IDEX printer

There are some cases when the automatic Z leveling fail during the calibration after several attempts.

This is because the Z height is not picked up correctly after it’s set by the user.

The manual Z leveling can help to make the two head on the same level and the calibration will be successful.

  1. Heat up the extruders and unload the filament
  2. Keep the heads heated and wait if there is any filament oozing out from the nozzle. About 5 minutes.
  3. Clean both nozzle with a metal brush. Do not leave any filament residue on tip of the nozzle
  4. Turn off heating and move down the build plate about 10 cm
  5. Remove both fan assembly from the heads.
  6. Home the printer axis
  7. Turn off the printer. Move the left head to the middle of the build plate.
  8. Turn the front leveler knob to the right and make 2-3mm gap between the nozzle and the build plate.
  9. Loosen the left head heatbreak screws and let the head drop on the build plate. Move a little around – 2-3cm- to make sure the head is sitting softly on the build plate.
  10. Secure the heatbreak screws on the left head. Do not push down the head.
  11. Move away the left head and move the right head to the middle.
  12. Loosen the screws on the right heatbreak and let the nozzle drop on the build plate.
  13. Move around the right head – 2-3 cm – to make sure the head is sitting softly on the build plate.
  14. Secure the heatbreak screws on the right head. Do not push down the head.
  15. Move away the right head
  16. Mount the fan assembly on the heads.
  17. Turn on the printer and home the axis
  18. Do the full calibration. Now it has to check the Z height, and skip the Z calibration process.