Battery error handling

Battery is 🔋 on the main board. It gives enough power to the CPU to save the print state at a power loss. Every CraftBot printer can continue print process after a power outage. Battery warning is a sensing error if the printer is at long period off – like transportation. It goes away if you switch off and on the printer.       The battery will not need to be replaced in most instances, if keep using the machine the error should disappear,  However if the issue persist please do the following.

  • Get a fresh CR2032 battery.
  • Check the battery voltage to make sure it around 3V, follow instructions to place it on the motherboard:
    • Turn off the Printer.
    • Remove the printer back panel.
    • Take out the battery from the mainboard.
    • Turn on the printer.
    • Put the battery to its place.
    • Go to info menu and click on restart