CraftBot FLOW Generation G/M code cheatsheet

Here are G / M / T codes that the CraftBot FLOW Generation printer can understand

G codes:

0X,Y,Z,E,FLinear moveX: The position to move to on the X axis
Y: The position to move to on the Y axis
Z: The position to move to on the Z axis
E: The amount to extrude between the starting point and ending point
F: The feedrate per minute of the move
1X,Y,Z,E,FLinear moveX: The position to move to on the X axis
Y: The position to move to on the Y axis
Z: The position to move to on the Z axis
E: The amount to extrude between the starting point and ending point
F: The feedrate per minute of the move
2X,Y,I,J,E,F,UControlled arc move (Clockwise)X: The position to move to on the X axis
Y: The position to move to on the Y axis
Z: The position to move to on the Z axis
E: The amount to extrude between the starting point and ending point
F: The feedrate per minute of the move
U: The length of a segment of the arc (not necessary)
I:The point in X space from the current X position to maintain a constant distance from
J:The point in Y space from the current Y position to maintain a constant distance from
3X,Y,I,J,E,F,UControlled arc move (Counter-Clockwise)X: The position to move to on the X axis
Y: The position to move to on the Y axis
Z: The position to move to on the Z axis
E: The amount to extrude between the starting point and ending point
F: The feedrate per minute of the move
U: The length of a segment of the arc (not necessary)
I:The point in X space from the current X position to maintain a constant distance from
J:The point in Y space from the current Y position to maintain a constant distance from
4P,SDwell (S:sec,P:millisec)P: Time to wait, in milliseconds
S: Time to wait, in seconds
20Set units to inches
21Set units to millimeters
28X,Y,ZMove to Origin (Home)X: Flag to go back to the X axis origin
Y: Flag to go back to the Y axis origin
Z: Flag to go back to the Z axis origin
90Set to absolute positioning
91Set to relative positioning
92X,Y,Z,ESet positionX: new X axis position
Y: new Y axis position
Z: new Z axis position
E: new extruder position

M codes:

18Z,Y,X,E,TDisable stepper motorsZ: switch off Z motor current
Y: switch off Y motor current
X: switch off X0 or X1 motor current
E: switch off E0 or E1 motor current
T: specify tool
73S,PSet build percentageS: Percent
P: Percent
82Set extruder to absolute mode
83Set extruder to relative mode
84Stop idle hold
104S,TSet extruder target temperatureS: Target temperature C°
T: Specify tool
105Get temperature of extruder and bed
106S,TSet object fanS: Fan speed , 0 to 255
T: Specify tool
107Turn off object fans
109S,TSet and wait head target temperatureS: Target temperature C°
T: Specify tool
110SPrint Start or StopS: 0 start , 2 stop
114Get current position in (mm)
117“string”Send message to display“string”
140SSet bed target temperatureS: Target temperature C°
190SSet and wait bed target temperatureS: Target temperature C°
191Pause on next layer on
192Pause on next layer off
220SSet speed override percentS: 10 – 999, default = 100
221SSet extrusion override percentS: 50 – 200, default = 100
300S, PPlay beep soundS: freq [Hz]
P: duration [millisec]
423E, FPrepare extruderE: extrude lenght
F: feed
425SSet nozzle wiper bladeS0 off , S1 on
430Z,FHead change ZHop settingsF: feed [mm/min]
Z: hop distance [mm]
431E,FHead change Exit Retract settingsF: feed [mm/min]
E: retcact lenght [mm]
432E,FHead change Enter Retract settingsF: feed [mm/min]
E: retcact lenght [mm]
433E,FHead change Enter Prime settingsF: feed [mm/min]
E: retcact lenght [mm]
1160 C,D,H,O,T Fan control (Case,Dome,Head,Obj) T: Specify tool
O: object fan
H: extruder fan
C: case fan
D: dome fan


L,H,FSet feed propertiesF: Set speed override percent
H: maxfeed
L: minfeed
1203A,D,FSet XY accelerationA: acceleration faktor
D: deceleration factor
F: min acceleration feed
1204A,D,FSet Z accelerationA: acceleration faktor
D: deceleration factor
F: min acceleration feed
1300P,I,D,TSet extruders PIDT: Specify tool
1301P,I,DSet bed PIDP: KP
2014SEnable/Disable mesh compenzationS: 1 on , 0 off
2160T, X, Y, Z, ESet TMC2160 currentT: specify tool
X: X motor current [0-1100 mA]
Y: X motor current [0-2000 mA]
Z: X motor current [0-2000 mA]
E: X motor current [0-1100 mA]
2161Get TMC2160 status register
2162X, Y, Z, ESet MicroStepmicrostep values = [1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256]
X: x0 & x1 motor driver microstep
Y: y motor driver microstep
Z: z motor driver microstep
E: e0 & e1 motor driver microstep
2163Read stepper motor driver DIAG states
4003S,TSet maximum head tempS: Maximum target temperature of head
T: Specify tool
4005S,HSet maximum bed tempS: Maximum target temperature of bed
4050Get PCB temperature
5001X, Z, ESet mechanical parametersX: xy pulley diameter
Z: z ball screw thread pitch
E: extruder diameter
9006S, XSet print modeS: print mode [ 0=DEFAULT, 1=MIRROR, 2=PARALLEL, 3=not used, 4=INVERTHEAD, 5=BACKUP ]
X: head x offset under paralell mode

T codes (IDEX):

0X,Y,Z,F,SSelect tool 0X: The position to move to on the X axis
Y: The position to move to on the Y axis
Z: The position to move to on the Z axis
F: The feedrate per minute of the move
S: Target temperature (wait to reach it)
1X,Y,Z,F,SSelect tool 1X: The position to move to on the X axis
Y: The position to move to on the Y axis
Z: The position to move to on the Z axis
F: The feedrate per minute of the move
S: Target temperature (wait to reach it)