Every print has a different characteristic due to it’s physical qualities. While the default print settings will in general be able to get a great print from most any object, there are some exceptions you may come across in the situation in which you would like to to achieve the “optimal” results. Through experience you will get to understand prints in a different way and be more comfortable with tweaking the settings in CraftWare for those most particular desires. But for now, we will speak about one particular occurrence that can be an inconvenience.
Say that you have selected a temperature for your print that seems adequate for all of the wide and spanning areas, but when the print gets to a narrow section in which the extruder stays in the same general area for a while you begin to experience drooping in the layers. This is simply due to the fact that in the wider areas you will find that the continual past layers have a chance to greater solidify before the next time around with the extruder, building a greater structural integrity when bonding. If the heated nozzle is continuously in the same area, the layers are going to be under the influence of that heat and effected more intensely, and to top that off, the constant flow of piling hot material may push your print beyond the breaking point of building any reputable structural integrity. Let’s give you some options to fix this,
* make sure that your fans are all turned on -just an simple “easy fix” recommendation
* decrease your temperature a bit. Maybe you are printing a little too hot in the first place. As long as your wider layers keep their integrity and your aren’t low enough for the material to stuff up the extruder, taking a little off the edge may just do the job.
* try decreasing your printing speed; this will give those layers more time to set up. If you are not on a deadline, decreasing the speed is a simple fix for many problems.
* Try printing multiple objects at the same time -sure, focusing on one object at once can sometimes statistically reduce the percentage of error overall, but then again, by doing something that you know will eliminate an error in contrast to not doing so, you are already ahead of the game by trying it out. Many melted regions of prints occur at the narrow sections on the top of “trinket” pocket sized prints -with these sometimes you might as well want to print a few.