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Z-Offset adjustment, Skirt loops

Hello Guys,

The add new override seems to have changed between updates.

Where do you adjust the z-height compensation for first layer (with a figure)?

It also appears that maximum skirt loops is 2 regardless of what is set within the slicer. Is this a bug?

I look forward to your response.





Sorry, lots of work around here. 🙂

For Z-compensation an easier thing was introduced, which can be set for the printer.
Look for "Bed Calibration Offset". Setting it to for example 10mm will move the print 10mm above the bed.

Skirt uses a special post-processor called "Cut Area Processor". You can find it in the Skirt section if you go to the "Default" strategy.
The Skirt is generated according to the base parameters set, so distance, loop count, etc. And then after these, the post-processor will cut the toolpath at the given length.
So basically by default Skirt can be maximum 250mm in length, but you can alter it in the settings.

If you use a strategy where there is no "Cut Area Processor" for the Skirt, or there is no "Skirt" override, add a new override with "Skirt" area condition, and insert the "Cut Area Processor" binding there, and the length can be set there.

I'm thinking about creating some strategy setup wizards for the most commonly used things. Not an easy task, but I know it could help a lot.


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