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Multihead Support

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Hi All,

In the last few days we had a few questions about the supports at the helpdesk, so I decided to share some useful info with you!

Q: No support generated in the Gcode. What could be wrong?
A: Craftware Pro facilitates object based support, and the objects are generated from support paintings. You have to generate them with the support tool (can be found on the tool ribbon) and start painting on the model, or generate the support with the automatic generation section's Apply button.

  •  You have to make sure that the support object is generated. The support object is that stripe-animated semi-transparent object in the picture (however it is opaque if the support tool is not active). You can see the support objects' existence in the project treeview at the left.
  • You have to ensure that you don't turn off support for the detailed strategies (like "Default"). It is enabled by default for each Strategy, and always enabled for "Smart" and "Easy" Strategy.

Q: Why is there no "Support" printing mode among the printing modes?
A: Support printing mode is not a dedicated CraftBot Flow Command, like the other ones. The Craftware generates the Gcode with the head changes and so on. As the Slicer is more complex than the old Craftware the Multihead support has some interesting possibilities, so the multihead support is handled among the other slicer parameters.

Q: How can I print Multihead Supports? What are my options?
A: Craftware offers you a lot of different options regarding the Multihead support.

  • You can assign whole  support objects to a particular head. (Right click on the support item in the project treeview --> Context menu's last item --> Strategy controlled or Head#x) This way the whole support object will be printed with the desired head. Please note, that every support object can have different heads in the project, so you can assign them independently.
  • You can assign different support heads for the support interface and support body part. You can do it from any expert strategy like the "Default".  Select the "Support" override Binding manager by clicking on the chain icon, and enable the "Head" item in the Binding manager. After this modification you can assign a particular head to the Support body only. You can do the same with the support interface as well.

Note: If you use multihead support you may want to include a prime pillar in your project! You can do it with one click on the "Pillar Tool"!

I hope it helps you all! Please feel free to ask every support related questions in this topic!

Best Regards,


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